this life is not a dress rehearsal!

Whose life are you living?


I'm Natalie and I support men and women to radically transform their lives, by taking self-responsibility, cultivating new habits, cleaning up the past and creating a new focused mindset for success!

are you ready to reclaim, your personal power, align with your hearts desires and start to truly live a life on your terms?

are you ready to build your dream life, becoming more successful in your personal & business life than you could ever imagine?

if yes- i am so happy you made it here!

How can I help you?

Now you could read everything I have written on this page, or maybe your intuition has guided you here and you know it's time for change! The bottom line of all of this is that you have had enough of the same old life you have been living, and you are ready to do something about it! If this is you, you can jump here:

What brings most of my clients to me, is that they have lost all sense of self! They have spent a lifetime of giving out to other people, and now they no longer know who they are! They feel stuck in a space of desiring more from life, but not having the confidence to move forward in their Business and Personal Life.

Maybe you know these feelings all too well!

Have you been caught up in the cycle of overwhelm, stress, over giving and and have no sense of purpose?

Do you feel like one day is rolling into the next? Days turning into months and months into years-

do you feel like your life is passing you by?

I know these feelings all too well and I am here to tell you, YOU hold the POWER to CHANGE your LIFE, and start truly living a life full of freedom, joy, love, connection, abundance- whatever YOU desire is possible!

You see nothing lights me up more, than working with clients to bring them back into alignment with a life they know they are meant to be living. Your life is so precious and every second counts.

This is not about the money, the cars, the home (although all amazing)- this is about looking back on a life well lived, moments etched into your heart- a beautiful life to feel proud of!

I help my clients go back to basics, to heal what needs healed, to face problems, rather than running away!

To question all area's of their life, and check if they are living a life they desire!

We find out where needs work and start making the changes

We focus on confidence, self-love and self worth!

Then when your confidence is soaring and you are ready to , we move into focus on Business, creating a strategy for your success! A life that was once a dream, CAN and WILL become a reality!


Maybe you have not ever considered this question! But since you are here, I believe NOW is you time to step out into the world, out of your comfort zone and start living a life beyond your wildest dreams.

YOU can leave an Empowering Legacy-

your unique mark on this world! It's never too late!

Are you ready to start focusing on your own personal growth and your legacy?

You can work with me to start making time for yourself! In this time you can find out what is important in your life.

What do you love? What lights you up? Who are you?

I don't believe it is any coincidence you are here! Is now the time to start listening to YOUR inner voice-

the voice that tells you, "there is more to life, than the life you are currently living" and not only listening to it, but taking ACTION to change!

NOW is the time to face your deepest fears, healing the past hurt and pain and using it as fuel to thrive!

"Please think about your legacy because you are writing it every day"
Gary Vaynerchuk

What gives me the right to say this is possible for you?

Because I made it possible in my life, and if I can do it, you can do it too!

You see I am a believer in human potential, a real life cheerleader! For 20+ years I have transformed my life, learning as much as I can about Personal Development, Mindset and Business! I am obsessed with learning and creating a growth mindset, relentlessly pursuing the life of my dreams, why?.... because I had to!

I was born into a family plagued with addiction, in one of the poorest areas of Edinburgh. I knew from a really young age there had to be more to life! After 9 bereavements of my immediate family (5 due to addiction), I knew that I had to be the one to break the chain!

I am the Change Maker in my family and my mission is to empower as many men and women to reclaim their power, and create a life beyond their wildest dreams!

I believe that when we learn to love our life- right now in the moment, finding alignment and harmony in day to day life, life starts to feel more joyful and free!

But when life feels hard we think "that life is impossible for me" You start to look externally and think "when I get the money, the house, the car.....then I will be happy"

I want to teach you how to love and appreciate your life right now, by falling so deeply in love with your life, holding deep gratitude while you becoming the greatest version of yourself in this moment!

I am so invested in every single one of my clients potential. It brings me so much joy to see my clients transform their lives!

I will be your greatest cheerleader, empowering you to face your fears, deal with the past hurt and pain- then use it as fuel to thrive. You ready?

Ways to work with me....















You are safe with me

I am willing to go where no one goes, to the heart of the pain!

You are held in a place of unconventional love and non judgement, to really look at the lens you are seeing the world through!

We go back and revisit the points in your life, that shaped who you are today!

We allow the feelings and emotions to flow, setting you free!

Once we have cleared the space of blocked feelings and emotions, we start to plant new belief systems in the sub-conscious mind!

Together we create new ways of thinking and an action plan to move you forward!

Then we ramp up the energy and get focused on where you are going!

My Clients express my work, way better than I can....

"Working with Natalie has changed my life. She has this incredible ability to support you in uncovering where you are holding yourself back in life as she intuitively sees straight to the heart of the issues and guides you there in the most caring and supportive way. And once you have identified those blocks she is 100% by your side helping you find the best steps to take to get you to where you want to be.

With Natalie’s help I’ve been able to see where I have allowed life to run away from me - and where I have run away from it! I’ve been able to slow down, appreciate the little moments and find a level of joy, contentment and peace that I haven’t before.

She has provided me with the tools to keep me in the driving seat of my life. I am truly grateful every day that I made the decision to work with Natalie."

The first time I met Natalie was through a coaching group I was part of, she came in as a guest speaker and I was blown away by her words.

She has a gentle fierceness about her mixed with passion and love for helping others. I knew after listening to her that day that I wanted to work with her again and I did.

I’ve been part of Natalie’s group coaching and the things she has encouraged me to voice, take action on, face or simply let go has just been life changing, she is a true example of how we can change the story of our lives, I’m so glad we were introduced and I know we will work together again in the future.

Everyone should have a Natalie in their lives 🤍"

“Natalie came into my life like a life angel at exactly the right time. Her name crossed my path on 3 different occasions and I knew I needed to reach out. I was broken…..burnout in a corporate job of 20 years, separation from my husband, co-parenting, working full-time and trying to build a business.

We went deep, I cried a lot, uncovered truths, felt the fear, re-discovered my self-worth and self-belief.

Natalie you saved me and gave me a zest for life that had been hidden away for so long, you gave me confidence, taught me how to put myself first again and embrace self-love and self care.

You taught me so much wisdom and allowed me to feel the most beautiful shifts that aligned me with the universe.

There is no better investment than with yourself, you believed in me more than I believed in myself at times and held the space with the most amazing energy.

I will be forever grateful and believe this is just the start of our journey together.”

“Just over 10 weeks ago I was broken. My cup was completely empty and I felt lost and frustrated. I had experienced a tough couple of weeks full of illness and struggle and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. I had no idea how to move forward but I knew I had to take action. It as then, as if it were meant to be, that I remembered hearing from a friend about Natalie. I reached out and right away I knew she was what I needed.

Our journey began with Natalie telling me she guaranteed to change my life in 10 weeks. It was a big claim but she made it with such confidence and without hesitation and it turns out she was right! I was supported through the 10 week Harmonizing programme with Natalie which began with flowers and a gorgeous hamper and ended with a vision board and a new me!

The sessions were supportive, challenging, thought provoking and just what I needed at the time I needed it. I can truly say I have come away from my experience more in touch with my true self, unafraid to put my needs ahead of the needs of others, motivated and positive about living my best life. I have also discovered a community of like minded women through Natalie's Facebook group and the monthly Soul Sessions. 

If you are feeling stuck, in need of learning how to truly love yourself and want a cheerleader who wholeheartedly believes in your worth and potential then I cannot recommend Natalie enough. Thank you for everything you have unlocked in me”


“I honestly find it difficult to put into words just how important and impactful you coming into my life has been.

You came into my life at a hugely transitional point, a point where I was looking for answers, healing to allow me to move forward. We clicked immediately. Natalie is one of those people who makes you feel completely comfortable in her presence, in the knowledge that I could fully trust you and go to the deepest, darkest depths of my emotions and that you would hold that safe space for me.

Since the first conversation, I have went through so much and you have always been there for me. I think that Natalie is one of the wisest, most caring, kind and beautiful souls I have ever encountered. You have been able to make me feel so safe to enable me to go to the deepest, darkest space and helped me to release something that I have been struggling with, it has been so powerful for me to let go and start a new chapter.


Anyone thinking of working with Natalie will immediately feel at peace and at home, I have no hesitations of recommending Natalie. She is so empowering and always knows exactly what to say, you challenge me- which I love! You know when I need to be reminded, to allow me to level up! There are so many things I wouldn’t have done without you. Thank you from the depths of my soul”

if I could leave you with any final thoughts it would be this...

The only person that can change your life is YOU! You can wait forever just "hoping" that things get better and let life pass you by, or you can make the decision to take self-responsibility and do something about it- the decision is in your hands. Everyday that you put off making the changes and stay stuck in your comfort zone or pain, the more time you are wasting of your life.

You can heal, you can make a difference, you can change- but you have to be willing! Willing to do what not many people are willing to do! To take themselves out of their comfort zone and face their fears! I know without a shadow of doubt that you will never regret it! I truly wish you the greatest amount of joy and success in your life! Even if now is not the time for you to work with me, jump into my inbox, say hi, I would love to connect with you.

“Your new life is going to cost you your old one.

It’s going to cost you your comfort zone and your sense of direction.

It’s going to cost you relationships and friends.

It’s going to cost you being liked and understood.

It doesn’t matter.

The people who are meant for you are going to meet you on the other side.

You’re going to build a new comfort zone around the things that actually move you forward.

Instead of being liked, you’re going to be loved.

Instead of being understood, you’re going to be seen.

All you’re going to lose is what was built for a person you no longer are.”



Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.